
Heritage Poly Cut Off Mark 2024 Academic Session

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Heritage Polytechnic’s Cut Off Mark for the 2023/2024 academic session. If you’re a prospective student eager to secure admission into this prestigious institution, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we will walk you through the essential details, including the general cut-off mark, departmental cut-off marks, and other crucial information to make your application process seamless.

Heritage Poly Cut Off Mark 2023/2024 Academic Session:

The management of Heritage Polytechnic has officially released the cut-off mark for the upcoming academic session. Drumroll, please! The cut-off mark for Heritage Polytechnic in the 2023/2024 academic session is set at 160. This minimum score is applicable to all courses offered by the institution.

What does this mean for you?

If you are a 2023 JAMB candidate and scored 160 or above, with Heritage Polytechnic as your choice of institution, congratulations! You are eligible to purchase the admission form and take the next step towards your academic journey at Heritage Poly.

Cut Off Mark for All Courses:

The excitement doesn’t stop there. The 160 cut-off mark is not only a general benchmark but also applies to all courses offered at Heritage Polytechnic for the 2023/2024 academic session. This simplifies the process for prospective students, ensuring that meeting this score opens the door to various programs within the institution.

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Heritage Poly Departmental Cut-Off Mark:

To make things even clearer, after the release of the departmental cut-off marks by Heritage Polytechnic, prospective students are required to meet the specified cut-off mark for their chosen department. This step is crucial in gaining admission into the specific programs offered by the institution.

For all 2023 candidates who participated in the JAMB examination and successfully met the cut-off mark for their preferred programs, the path is now paved for admission into Heritage Polytechnic. The institution welcomes students to pursue their academic goals in their selected programs.


Heritage Polytechnic’s cut-off mark for the 2023/2024 academic session is a gateway for aspiring students to embark on their educational journey. With a minimum score of 160, you have the opportunity to explore various programs at this reputable institution. Keep yourself updated with the trending topics on campus and take the necessary steps towards a successful admission process. Best of luck!

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