
List Of Courses Offered In Tai Solarin College Of Education 2024

If you’re considering pursuing a career in education or other fields, Tai Solarin College of Education (TASCE) in Omu-Ijebu, Ogun State, Nigeria, is a reputable choice. Established in 2006 and named after the renowned Nigerian educationist Tai Solarin, TASCE offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, catering to diverse interests.

List of Courses Offered:

College of Education:

  1. Adult Education
  2. Agricultural Education
  3. Business Education
  4. Early Childhood Education
  5. Educational Management
  6. Educational Technology
  7. Fine Arts Education
  8. French Education
  9. Home Economics Education
  10. Islamic Studies Education
  11. Mathematics Education
  12. Music Education
  13. Physical and Health Education
  14. Primary Education
  15. Science Education
  16. Social Studies Education
  17. Yoruba Education

College of Vocational and Technology Education:

  1. Agricultural Science and Education
  2. Business Education
  3. Home Economics and Hotel Management and Education
  4. Secretarial Administration and Education
  5. Technical Education (with options in Automobile Technology, Building Technology, Electrical/Electronics Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology)

College of Arts and Social Sciences:

  1. Accounting
  2. Business Administration
  3. Computer Science
  4. Economics
  5. English Language
  6. French
  7. Geography
  8. History
  9. Mass Communication
  10. Mathematics
  11. Political Science
  12. Sociology
  13. Yoruba

College of Science:

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics

College of Postgraduate Studies:

  1. Adult Education
  2. Educational Management
  3. Educational Technology
  4. Fine Arts Education
  5. Science Education
  6. Social Studies Education
  7. Educational Psychology
  8. Measurement and Evaluation
  9. Curriculum Studies
  10. Guidance and Counselling
  11. Special Education
  12. Library and Information Science
  13. Business Administration
  14. Computer Science
  15. Economics
  16. English Language
  17. French
  18. Geography
  19. History
  20. Mass Communication
  21. Mathematics
  22. Political Science
  23. Sociology
  24. Yoruba


Choosing Tai Solarin College of Education opens up a world of educational possibilities. Whether you’re passionate about traditional education, technology, or the sciences, TASCE provides a diverse range of programs. Explore the exciting academic journey ahead and consider TASCE as your stepping stone towards a fulfilling career.

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